Sunday, 26 February 2012

Email Interview Response

I was able to obtain an response from the woman I came across on Mumsnet. It was beneficial to see results from someone who has experienced negativity due to her age. From talking to people and scanning through my 'Age to Have Children' survey, many have said that 20 is young, but not to young to have children. I wonder why she aimed such discrimination, especially from the older generations who previously were married with chidden at a younger age that the current generation. (You can click on the email response to zoom in.) It was interesting that her doubts about becoming a mum where more to due with her individual situation, not actually her age. She feels she received negativity due to the portrayal of 'youth' in the media 'We aren't all drunken, staggering idiots with ASBOs'. She gained abuse for 'being a drain on resources, getting pregnant just because I want a house'. Why though, just because you are younger does it mean you are starting a family for any other reason, that people who may be older? The interviewee said she even 'stopped wearing make-up and cut my hair' just to look older, to stop the discrimination.

Image: Print screen from personal email

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