Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Growing up too early

This from BBC News relates to my questioning into children growing up too fast. It says that from part of a government-commissioned research into the sexualisation of children, 9 out of 10 UK parents say children are growing up too quickly. Most parents had said that music videos and celebrities where encouraging children to act older. Nearly half were unhappy with pre-watershed TV 41% had seen programs on TV before 9pm that they felt unsuitable for their children and 40% surveyed said they had seen things such as advertisement and window displays in public places which they believed to be inappropriate for their child to see. Areas of concern included adult style clothing, toys and games which were also inappropriate for the younger generation. There were some interesting responses from this article:

When reading through the responses, I came across many saying that yes, children are growing up to quickly in the way they act, dress and behave. But many of the responses included opinions towards the fact that the older generations are becoming more infantilised, thus having an impacting effect on children growing up faster as the media aim towards this market with these 'adult' obsessions such as sex, drink and money. One other comment I found, which I totally agree with and reflects areas of my own personal opinions, that children are acting older but intact 'growing up' later as they leave it till later in life to take on responsibilities, marriage, jobs and independence etc.

Images: BBC News - Survey: Most parents concerned over child sexualisation. 2011. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 February 2012].

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